Thursday, April 05, 2007

Children's book authors' websites and blogs: Katy S. Duffield MYSTERIOUS ENCOUNTERS: POLTERGEISTS will be released May 07 from Kidhaven Press and her next book is about the life of Kutaragi, who invented the PlayStation video game console. I found it interesting that Katy's next book is about the inventor Kutaragi as my nephew Nathan Hendrickson is a game designer. He is co-writing a movie and the game for it will follow.

Carla Killough McClafferty SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING: Marie Curie and Radium and the book THE HEAD BONE'S CONNECTED TO THE NECK BONE. Carla is Arkansas's SCBWI Regional Advisor who keeps us up-to-date with the latest happenings with our state's members.

Darcy Pattison was our first regional advisor and is the author of several books. Her latest is NINETEEN GIRLS AND ME and you will find Darcy at AR/SCBWI Conference April 13-14 and the Arkansas Literary Festival April 20-22. Don't miss Darcy's blog DARCY PATTERISON'S REVISION NOTES is filled with helpful information and encouragement.

Promoting other writers encourages me to continue and reminds me the results of hard work and I mean hard work does pay off in any profession.

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