Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Helpful blogs to build writers confidence: Bev Walton-Porter and Darcy Pattison
share how writers feel about rejections and naysayers and how to get beyond them to continue reaching our goals. I can't say enough how I appreciate the honesty of these two published authors.

Kathy Z. Price author of The Bourbon Street Musicians is from New York. She will be presenting a workshop at Baxter County Library at Mountain Home, June 16. Watch for updates on my blog and the library's website. Also, I will be teaching for the third year creative writing to children through their summer program.

Books in Bloom is Sunday, May 6 and their website is where you will find a list of many well-known authors who will be speaking and selling their books. It will be an exciting day.

Confidence you will find in the words of professional writers who share the rough road of becoming a writer and the fairy-tale like joys of being a published author. Remember, doubts will always be here, they don't go away. We must put them aside while we put on our coats of confidence, hold up our heads and march forward to meet our goals.

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