Tuesday, February 14, 2012

by Mary Nida Smith ©

Valentine’s Day
in grade school
the teacher creates
a box decorated
with lace and hearts
where everyone
places special cards.
At the end of love
and friendship day
the box is opened.
Excitement fills the room
as one by one names
of classmates are read
Susan, Jimmy,
Jeanne Rae, Mary Lou,
Gary and Terry.
Each desk piles high.
It continues until
the box is empty.
I sat feeling silly
and awkward for
in my hand was one
lone card
with the name, Mrs. Scott.
That was from my teacher.
That is nice,
everyone received one.
Valentine’s Day

has never been
for me ...

This sweet card arrived as I finished writing my poem
from friend, Kerri Fivecoat Campbell. I felt as if she was
looking over my shoulder. Sweet!

1 comment:

Missy said...

This poem is very true. As a teacher, this happens every year.