Sunday, March 30, 2008

Writing... quitting what I love to do. There isn't a week that goes by the thought doesn't enter my mind. Sometimes my love to create is overwhelming. I have been writing for several years. I continue daily with ideas filling my thoughts that ache to be put down on paper. I have files filled with unfinished ones, ones that need rewriting (some a little, some a lot), and others that need a cover letter, envelope and a stamp to be sent on their way.

I use to set my weekly goals too high. When I couldn't mark off the complete list, I felt I had failed. Now, I place three projects a week on the list. When I have marked them all off I have a good feeling of accomplishment. If I can work it in, I start another project. If I can't no big deal.

I have written reviews for the Oregon Journal (Portland), a regular monthly contributor for Farm Lines ( an Idaho newspaper magazine), a weekly column and stringer for the Port Orchard Independent (Port Orchard, WA), several articles for The Ozarks Mountain News and submitted to several other newspapers. I have written on training horses for flat track racing, chariot racing, raising Tennessee Walkers, The Pony Club, balancing a farm and a small town business, Idaho noxious weeds, white mules and the list gos on.

Magazines: Northwest Living I published articles on natures arrangements, Christmas on the desert and chariot racing. Grit: In Hobbies and Crafts "Tiny Town" and in My Favorite Garden "Garden Oasis" and several small pieces. Good Old Days Special: "Christmas among the Wolves" and Rural Arkansas: "Cicada season." The Ozarks Mountaineer several small pieces (To a writer a small piece is as important as a big piece.), a poem and the article "Rocky Ridge Refuge." The Ozarks magazine: "Chives for all Seasons," "Magical Mopheads" and "Dandelions:The Shepherd's Clock."

I have published poems. opinion pieces, photographs, illustrations, stories, articles and etc. Each one was a big boost to keep me going. My book, Submarine Stories of World War II for boys ten and up. It is filled with real adventure stories of teenage boys on their first time away from home sailing aboard submarines and what they endured to help win World War II.

I continue to submit picture book manuscripts and poems to children's magazines. I have finished two books for the adult market that I need to submit. I need to remember to relax and enjoy the blessings that are bestowed on me each day. I must remember not to push myself beyond what I am able to accomplish.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Website, writers meeting, new author and rain. First of all don't forget to check out my other blog and my website where I continue to add items where hopefully you will find some of my past published credits while I was living in Oregon, Idaho, Washington and now Arkansas.

Monday 10th, Barb, Lonny, Valerie and me had our children's writers group meeting at a darling little cafe on the square in Gainesville, Missouri. We enjoyed breakfast at a large table where we could spread out all the items we wanted to share. It was very exciting to learn how hard each of us is working to be published in magazines and to have one or more books published. We shared market news, manuscripts we are submitting and what an editor added in the our rejection letters. We shared ideas that might work in a regional magazine or other magazines such as Grit and Wildbird.

Before we start home we head to the Gainesville Library to check out the books they have for sale. Valerie, our group leader who works overtime to get us all together asked if we could hold our next meeting April 18 at the library. If plans don't change we'll be there. We were informed of a new children's author who lives in the area. She is T. A. Sigafus author of The case of Beethoven's Bandit and her website is We are hoping she will come to our next meeting.

April 14, I had fun working in the Audubon Society's booth at the Home Show.

We had a good foot of rain in 36 hours or more as we watched the run-off from the neighbors yards surrounded us as the water traveled down to create a huge birdbath that covered the woodland garden. The weather radio went off constantly. I didn't know if I should swim or hide in the tornado closet. I am now trying to catch-up on a mile high of honey-dues and a studio office with one corner that has work backed up to the ceiling. Okay, maybe, its not that bad.

"Action is the foundational key to all success." - The Armchair Traveler.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Submitting, retyping, and rejections can be a good thing. When a manuscript is returned (I like the word returned better than rejection.), remember it doesn't mean it needs rewriting. But, sometimes we are still at the learning stage and the manuscript needs more than a second glance. Rewrite and correct if needed and when possible retype. When you retype think of it as re-staging for saleability. When the manuscript has been out with an editor from 8-12 months, we as writers are always learning how to improve our writings, so this is a good time to check it over and apply improvements if needed.

I received two rejections with encouraging comments on my children's picture book manuscripts. I shared with the children's writers group I belong to for comments. They were kind enough to be honest with additional comments, so I made some change and retyped. I will re-stage several others I will be resubmitting. Also, I sent four poems to a children's magazine this week. We'll see how this goes. I continue to do research on my woodpeckers.

I try to update my blogs and website once a week. I see I failed as I was very busy. Life is not dull at this time, it is the most exciting time of my life, for I am now living in a place without future plans to move ( Only God can suggest a new move for me.). My life was always on the move learning new things and making new friends, but I never felt like I had roots.

Worrying about tomorrow makes a sad day today.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Kids Magazine Writers website at saved me lots of postage money and heartache. Under Market Info/Editor Speaks you will find the article "Going, Going, Gone. Provided is a list of magazines that have folded. Several were on my new list to send manuscripts to. This a great website for magazine guidelines for submissions and a whole lots more. If you have any information or an article to submit to their website it will help them keep supplying information we need and it provides you with another or your first published credit.

Hopefully some of these magazines will return and new ones will pop-up.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Garden and Music Entertainment: It is good for a writer to step out beyond the walls of their studio/office to energize the tired spirit.

The Home and Garden Show provided ideas to file in my folder for my garden articles. I love beautiful sculptures and being a gardener I was pulled in by the "Golden Garden Girl" in the photo created by Sculptor Michael Don Fees on display. Check out all his beautiful breath taking sculptures for the home and garden at Ryan Schmidt had his sculptures on display in the same area. You'll find information on his work on the same website.

Yesterday we had the privilege to attend an afternoon of out-standing music at the benefit concert presented by Oksana Pavilionis of the Ovation Academy and Twin Lakes Baptist Church for the Twin Lakes Music Foundation. ( There is a fountain of musicians and singers in this area that will never run dry. The Ovation Academy will provide classes in music, art and foreign languages.

Check out my new website Several bugs continue to plague me, so be patience when you visit. Don't forget to visit my other blog about my book and other military material at

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Garden Arrangements & Sculpure:Arkansas Flower and Garden Show.
The large arrangement is part of Chris Olson - Botanica Gardens
It was an interesting place. I am running short of time. I will return with more.