Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Peace at Bugle Call
©by Mary Nida Smith

Peace is not in things
Peace is freedom from things
Blessings are never late

He said he loved me
He said he missed me
What did it take
Separation in crisis

He has accepted what life
Has presented to him
As I have during these trails

We have learned patience,
 Forgiveness and we may,
Only have this time
To find the first happiness
In our troubled marriage

Maybe, in our whole lifetime
Of emotions and hard times
I love his phone calls
A soft peaceful loving voice
Not condemning, or asking why

Upon a visit we exchange hugs
That wasn’t part of our marriage
As he wheels himself down
The hallways – I hold his hand
 It feels cold, yet warm, as he
Squeezes my hand, as not to let go
He is not child-like, he holds on
To the man, the hero, I knew he was

I am thankful to God
For being there beside us
Showing us, that nothing mattered
The past is removed, tomorrow unseen
Thankful, we had been given
The gift, of forgiveness, and peace
November 2015

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