Friday, June 14, 2019

Arkansas SCBWI Conference June 21-22

Don't miss out on the opportunity to attend Arkansas SCBWI's Conference, June 21-22. If you haven't signed up, you still can. Register online by June 15!
Conference faculty includes Christa Heschke, literary agent at McIntosh and Otis, Inc.; Courtney Stevenson, assistant editor at HarperCollins Children's Books; and Charlotte Wenger, freelance editor.
Pitch sessions are still available. Also, illustrators who want a portfolio consultation, can schedule a slot on Friday night. All of these are very limited, so if you are considering it, email now to reserve your spot.
Find more information on the conference, including links to the faculty bios here:
Happy Almost Summer!
Phyllis Hemann
SCBWI Arkansas Regional Advisor

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